101 Texts That Will Make Him Want You & Be Obsessed With You

Are you looking for the best texts that will make him want you? Are you sometimes unsure about which text messages to send?
With the texts below, you will learn how to make him obsessed with you over text, guaranteed! Copy, paste, and send them to your guy, to drive him crazy.
Texts That Will Make Him Want You
- Work has been crazy, I am so in need of a release 😉
- As my present, I want you wrapped only a bow 😉
- We should watch a scary movie, under the covers 😉
- Roses are red, violets are blue, come over tonight, I have a surprise for you;)
- Let’s stay in tonight 😉
- True or False – I think you’re sexy.
- I have 2 weakness in bed, guess what they are.
- Omg, my thong keeps riding up.
- My friends are jealous that I have you.
- I’m in such a crazy mood, I’m up for trying anything 😉
- Why am I so addicted to the way you kiss?
- Just want to tell you how hot you look today.
- You plan dinner, I’ve already planned dessert 😉
- I like when you smile, I’ll do anything to make you smile more 😉
- What’s your stance on girls having their way with you?
- I’m really in the mood to snuggle. Wanna come over?
- I love the relationship I have with you.
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Innocent Texts That Will Make Him Want You
- Roses are red, violets are blue, I cannot wait, to smell like you 😉
- I’m wearing one of your shirts right now 😉
- True or False – I had some naughty thoughts about you
- Stop looking so hot in your pictures, it’s distracting.
- Why do you make me have such impure thoughts?
- What is your favorite part of my body?
- Will it offend you if I sleep naked when you’re here?
- Guess what I am wearing right now?
- You were in my dream last night, you should be ashamed of yourself 😉
- Should we skip dinner, and go right to dessert 😉
- I was thinking about what you did to me last night, so hot.
- Turns me on when you watch me pleasure myself
- I want you so bad, I am dripping with desire.
- My new favorite color is the color of your eyes.
- Let’s go on an adventure this weekend.
- Want to binge watch something new with me this weekend, naked?
- You can always count on me.

Texts to Make Him Want You
- Let’s have a sleepover, sleeping is optional 😉
- You’re not going to believe the dream I had about you last night.
- Tell me three of your fantasies, and I’ll make one come true 😉
- How about we both call in sick and spend the whole day in bed?
- You don’t want to know what I’d do right now if you were with me.
- I need your help fixing my computer and know how I can pay you 😉
- There’s an empty spot in my bed with your name on it.
- Where did you learn to kiss like that?
- I will only be wearing one article of clothing later, you choose.
- I can’t imagine a better evening with you, maybe a long shower together.
- I can’t stop thinking about you, have you hijacked my brain?
- What would you do to me right now if you were with me?
- I keep replaying the way you touched me last night.
- My bed feels way too big just for me.
- It’s so cold today, want to come warm me up?
- Come over later, I promise I’ll make you glad you did 😉
- I truly admire your ambition.
Text Messages to Make Him Obsess over You
- I am so distracted today, can’t get your body out of my mind.
- I’m going bikini shopping later, mind if I send pics and get your opinion?
- I bought the sexiest underwear the other day.
- I’ve got so much tension, how are your massage skills?
- If you were lying next to me right now, I guarantee we wouldn’t be sleeping.
- It’s impossible to sleep when I’ve got you on my mind.
- It got so hot in my room last night, I had to sleep naked 😉
- I’m learning yoga, I might need your opinion on some positions 😉
- What’s your favorite color, I’m getting new lingerie.
- What do you eat right when you wake up, I want to be prepared 😉
- I want you right now.
- You’re more than one in a million.
- You’re, like, the cherry on top.
- I feel safe when you’re with me.
- I’m always amazed by how smart you are.
- How’d your big meeting go today? Tell me everything.

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How to Drive a Man Crazy by Text
- I can’t wait until I can wake up next to you every day.
- I love telling my friends about all the good times we have together.
- When I’m with you, I feel like I’m going to wake up and realize it was a dream.
- How can you make me smile so much when you’re not even here?
- I feel so lucky that I have you in my life.
- Why haven’t I been able to get you out of my head all day?
- Are you missing me as much as I’m missing you right now?
- You always find a way to make me laugh.
- If only you could see how much I’m blushing every time you text.
- Maybe there’s plenty of fish in the sea, I’m glad I caught you.
- I’m counting down the minutes until I get to see you again.
- I’m proud of how sensitive you are.
- Don’t forget, I’m always here for you.
- Even if I get to spend forever with you, it won’t be enough time.
- Have I told you it was love at first site?
- I can’t believe you still give me butterflies after all this time.
- I can’t believe you know so much about me.
What to Say to Make Him Obsessed with You
- I was remembering our first date today and how much fun I had with you.
- You’re my everything.
- I need something to make me smile, please send a pic of your handsome face.
- Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you right now.
- You’re perfect for me.
- I couldn’t imagine finding a better guy than you.
- The best feeling in the world is when I’m in your arms.
- You make me feel like a real princess.
- You understand me better than anyone.
- I loved being with you the other day, let’s do it again soon.
- I fall deeper in love with you every day.
- I love every part of you.
- My only regret, I didn’t find you sooner!
- Your chest is my favorite pillow while watching scary movies.
- Thank you for being there for me when I need you.
- I appreciate everything that you do for me.
- Do you know how warm and fuzzy you make me feel?

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How to Make Someone Obsessed with You over Text
- Give him your undivided attention.
- Show interest in what he likes.
- Don’t always be available.
- Flirt with him and tease him.
- Tell him about fun things you’ve done recently.
- Be unpredictable.
- Compliment him.
- Leave him wanting more.
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More Info: Forbes
Try out some of our texts above and see how to make him want you over text. When you text a guy you want to be witty, clever, and definitely flirty. Try sending a message before falling asleep and see his response when you wake up.
The above texts to send a guy are proven to be effective. Your goal is to make him feel like a man over text. This will make him beg over text for more.