When a Guy Has a Crush on You He Always Says These Words

When a guy has a crush on you, he always says these words. Wondering what these words are? Curious if he is into you?

Here we explore the things guys say when they like you. From subtle hints to more obvious expressions of interest, understanding what he says can provide valuable insight into a guy’s feelings for you.

When a Guy Has a Crush on You He Always Says These Words

1. You’re Really Pretty

Clearly he finds you very easy on the eyes. Letting you know he finds you physically attractive is his way of subtly conveying his feelings towards you.

2. You’re So Funny

A guy who has a crush on you genuinely means it. He is enamored by you and will laugh at almost everything you say. He likes your vibe and the way you think.

3. I’ve Never Told Anyone This

When a guy feels comfortable with you and likes you, he may share a self-conscious thought or a deep dark secret. He does this to create a bond and spike your interest.

He is trying to deepen the connection by being vulnerable about his feelings.

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4. I Don’t Want Anything to Happen to You

When a guy has a crush on you, in his mind he has invested himself in your well-being. He is being genuine when he says this, and does want to protect and take care of you.

When a guy has a crush on you, he always says these words 4

5. You Can Count on Me

When a guy says this it means he cares about you and you can depend on him. He wants to be the person you rely on and go to for support, and wants you to trust him.

6. I’ve Never Met Anyone Like You

When a guy says this it means he sees you as someone unique and different from most other girls he has met. He is intrigued by your individuality, and feels that you stand out from the crowd.

This statement goes beyond physical attraction, implying that he is drawn to you on a deeper level. He may appreciate your intelligence, sense of humor, kindness, or any other qualities that make you truly special.

This statement often hints at developing feelings of love. He may not be fully aware of the level of his emotions yet, but this expression suggests that he is falling for you.

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7. You Understand Me

He feels a sense of rapport and understanding with you that he rarely experiences with anyone else. He can be himself around you, without fear of judgment. This emotional connection is the foundation of romantic attraction.

8. We’d Look Good Together

When a guy says this he is implanting the idea in your head. He wants you to start thinking about being with him, and perhaps agree with and act on this statement.

When a guy has a crush on you, he always says these words 2

9. I’m Excited To See You

This means he has been thinking about you and looking forward to your next interaction. He is happy to be with you and wants to let you know.

10. We Should Hang Out More Often

A guy who likes you will want to see you more. By saying this, he is throwing out the idea to see your response. Clearly he has a crush on you.

11. Are You Seeing Anyone?

This is a pretty obvious way for a guy to tell you he likes you. Why else would he ask? What he is really saying is, “I’d like to be with you, and hope you are single.”

12. How Was Your Day?

Usually this will be asked in a text message. Most guys do not know what to say and this is their go-to message. He will probably send this to you way too many times.

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13. Tell Me More About You

When a guy has a crush on you he wants to get to know you better. He is genuinely interested, and is trying to get closer.

We all love talking about ourselves, so this is a great way to get you invested in spending more time with him.

14. You’re Super Cool

He thinks you are awesome. This is a very nonchalant comment which doesn’t exactly state his intent. He might be shy or scared to ask you out.

When a guy has a crush on you, he always says these words 3

15. Can I Take You Out?

This is a very direct thing to say and speaks for itself. He has a crush on you, and is taking his shot. Personally, I like when a guy is open and honest. No games, no hints. This is alpha male behavior.

Things Guys Say When They Like You

  • You’re Really Pretty
  • You’re So Funny
  • I’ve Never Told Anyone This
  • I Don’t Want Anything to Happen to You
  • You Can Count on Me 
  • I’ve Never Met Anyone Like You 
  • You Understand Me
  • We’d Look Good Together
  • I’m Excited To See You
  • We Should Hangout More Often
  • Are You Seeing Anyone?
  • How Was Your Day?
  • Tell Me More About You
  • You’re Super Cool
  • Can I Take You Out?

Some common things guys say when they like you include compliments about your appearance or personality, expressing interest in spending time with you, and using flirty language.

They might also try to find common interests or hobbies to bond over and show genuine concern for your well-being.

What Do Guys Talk About When They Like You

When a guy likes you, there are certain specific things he will say. Look for consistent and genuine compliments, frequent attempts to engage with you in conversation, and a genuine interest in your life and views.

Additionally, if he uses romantic or flirty language, seeks opportunities to spend time with you, or shows signs of nervousness or shyness around you, it may be an indication that he has a crush on you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does It Mean When a Guy Says He Has a Crush on You?

When a guy says he has a crush on you, he is likely looking to see how you respond. It’s not only about letting you know his feelings, it’s about putting it out there to see if you feel the same.

More Info: Medium

How Do Guys Act When They Have a Crush on You?

When a guy has a crush on you he will try to spend time with you, he will give you lots of attention, he’ll try to impress you, he’ll compliment you, he may stand up for you, and he will flirt with you as much as possible.

When a guy has a crush on you, he always says these words 3

How to Respond When a Guy Says He Has a Crush on You

  • Tell him you appreciate it
  • Acknowledge his feelings
  • Be open and honest
  • Be respectful, no matter how you feel
  • Clearly communicate
  • Be kind


When a guy likes you, he will use some very specific words. What he says can serve as a window into his true feelings. Through subtle hints or more direct expressions, he may reveal his affection toward you.

Pay attention to what he says and consider the context. Take into account your current relationship with the guy and whether or not you are interested in more.

Understanding the things guys say when they like you can help you navigate the complexities of relationships, and possibly lead to a new romance.

Farzana Tajnin
Farzana Tajnin

Hi, I’m Zana, the proud co-owner of this amazing website. I live in NYC, studied relationship psychology at NYU, and got my dating and relationship coaching certification at MI.

I live, breath, and sleep relationship advice, and I’m always learning. Think of me as a dependable friend on your journey to find love.