How to Tell Someone You Like Them – 18 Ways and Over Text

So, you’re wondering how to tell someone you like them, and don’t want to scare them off. You have to be clear about what you’re looking for to avoid being friend-zoned.
Here you will learn the top ways to tell someone you like them, how to tell a guy you like him over text message, and how to tell your crush you like them over text and in person.
How to Tell Someone You Like Them
Here is how to tell your crush you like them.
- Admire them with your eyes.
- Compliment them on a physical attribute.
- Flirt with them.
- Be friendly and playful.
- Buy them small token gifts to show you thought of them.
- Simply tell them.
1. Admire Them with Your Eyes
When you like someone, you might find yourself gazing intently at them without even realizing it. Giving someone you like the googly eyes is normal and natural. When the other person sees it, just based on your body language, they will automatically know how you feel.
2. Compliment Them
We all enjoy compliments. Say something nice about their eyes, their lips, their style, or anything unique to this person. Giving a compliment is a great way to show that you like them.
3. Ask Them for Advice
A great way to show your interest for anyone is to ask them for their advice or opinion. We all like to feel needed and to be made to feel important. Everyone likes to talk about their own feelings and opinions, it makes us feel good.
4. Look at Their Lips
This is a very subtle way to show your attraction to a person when you are face to face. You will triangulate their lips and eyes. First look into their right eye, next look into their left eye, and then look at their lips. Repeat this a few times. They will get the hint.

5. Flirt with Them
Flirting with someone is one of the best ways to show your interest and attraction. It is also a good test to see if they like you back. Flirting is a clear way to express interest in a romantic relationship. You may also want to send sexy selfies and fun videos to drop hints about your feelings.
6. Make Eye Contact
Your eyes are the windows to your soul. Looking into someone’s eyes is a good way to connect and penetrate deep into their psyche. Making eye contact is a sign of interest and respect.
7. Mention Plans
A good way to tell someone you like them is to casually mention plans. You aren’t directly asking them out, you are just hinting at getting together. Spending time with the person is your goal.
- “We should grab a drink sometime.”
- “What are you up to this weekend?”
- “Have you seen that new movie, I’m dying to go Friday night.”
8. Get in Their Personal Space
When someone gets close to you, it is a true sign that they like you. Most people do this without even realizing it. It is called proximity. Pay attention when you are out socially. If you are at a bar, and you a person can order anywhere, yet they stand right next to you, they like you.
9. Laugh at Their Humor
It is a good idea to find most of their jokes funny, even if they are not. This has to do with being in the moment. Being positive and receptive to everything the other person says shows that you like their vibe.

10. Do Something Cute
Say or do something cute or adorable. For example, talk in a high pitched voice, or suggest a thumb wrestling match. Show that you are silly and fun to be around. Do whatever feels comfortable.
11. Touch Them
Physical contact is very important for a romantic relationship. Otherwise you are just friends. Touch their shoulder, take their hand as you help them out of the car, or casually put your hand on their back as you guide them. You want the person to get used to your touch.
12. Buy Them Things
A good way to show someone you like them is by buying them token gifts. Don’t make a big deal out of this and spend a ton of money. It is the gesture that counts. Surprise them with something small like a Starbucks or some candy.
13. Make Out with Them
If you feel confident, and it seems appropriate, go in for the kiss. First look into their eyes, then slowly move your lips toward theirs. The other person will move their lips closer to yours if they are interested.
14. Smile Often
I highly recommend you smile often, especially when you are with someone you like. Smiling shows that you are friendly and positive, and the type of person we all want to be around. Smiling will make your crush feel relaxed and at ease while with you.
15. Be Friendly and Playful
When you are friendly and playful around someone, it is fun and makes the person want to spend time with you. You make it clear that you are interested in them. Why else would you be having such a great time together?
16. Be Interested
Show genuine interest in the person. Ask them personal questions to find out more. We all like to talk about ourselves. When you ask questions and get someone talking, you make them feel important. This in return, will give them positive feelings about you.

17. Spend Time with Them
The biggest indicator that someone likes you is that they are “still here.” If you don’t like someone, you won’t waste your time with them, plain and simple. By choosing to spend your time with this person, you are clearly showing you like them.
18. Just Tell Them
If you are feeling bold, confess your feelings. Sharing your feelings with a person you like is the most direct and surefire way to let them know you are interested. Do not be scared of rejection. It is a normal part of life and will sometimes happen.
- “I really enjoy spending time with you. I’m curious if you also feel a connection here?”
How to Show a Guy You Like Him
- Compliment him.
- Spend time with him.
- Admire him with your eyes.
- Laugh at his humor.
- Buy him small token gifts.
- Get in his personal space.
- Make out with him.
- Look back and forth at his eyes and lips.
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How to Tell a Guy You Like Them Over Text
The best way to tell a guy you like them over text is to compliment him, act playful and positive, ask for his advice, send flirty messages, be interested in the things he likes, and straight up mention plans.
- “You seem really cool, let’s get together sometime 😉”
- “You’re cute and I kinda have a crush on you ❤️”
- “I like your vibe, we should hang out 🥰”
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How to Hint to a Guy That You Like Him Over Text
- Compliment him on his physical appearance.
- Flirt with him – send cute selfies and sexual messages.
- Mention an activity you’d like to do with him.
- Use lots of emojis.
- Tell him he’s funny.
- Heart his messages.
- “Your lips look really kissable 😊”
- “I’ve been dying to go rollerskating, we should go together 🛼”
- “You always know how to make me laugh 🤭😂”
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Frequently Asked Questions
How to Tell Your Crush You Like Them at School?
The best way to tell your crush you like them at school is to give a compliment, followed by being honest about your feelings. Tell the person you enjoy spending time and would love to get together outside of school sometime. “You’r really cool, we should hang out after school sometime.”
How to Tell Your Crush You Like Them in Person?
The best way to tell your crush you like them in person is to be straightforward and honest. Let them know you have developed feelings for them and would like to get together. “You are really fun to be around. I have feelings for you and would love to hang out sometime.” Make eye contact and say it with confidence.
How to Tell Someone You Like Them Without Saying It?
The best way to tell someone you like them without saying it is to be friendly, playful, and flirty. Spend more time with the person, give compliments, ask for advice, casually mention plans, laugh at their jokes, and give plenty of eye contact.
How to Tell Someone You Like Them Without Telling Them?
- Go above and beyond for them.
- Use terms of endearment.
- Look back and forth between their eyes and lips.
- Flirt sometimes.
- Casually get closer and closer so you are in their personal space.
- Buy them small gifts showing you thought of them.
- Cook your favorite dish for them.
- Laugh at all their jokes, good or bad.
When telling someone you like them, it’s important to be genuine and honest. Use direct and clear communication, maintain eye contact, and choose an appropriate setting. Be confident and sincere in expressing your feelings.
When texting, start with friendly conversations and gradually hint at your feelings. Use emojis or playful language to create a light-hearted atmosphere. If you send a heartfelt message, be mindful of their response and respect their boundaries. Don’t double text.