How to Ask a Guy How Tall He Is – Asking Someone’s Height

Since I am 4’11” it is easy for me to ask a guy how tall he is. Even a guy who is considered short is taller than me, so guys never get offended. My taller friends don’t find the same ease.
After consulting with medium height girls, tall girls, and shorter guys, I put together this article definitively answering the age old question, “how to ask someone their height?”
How to Ask a Guy How Tall He Is
The best way to ask a guy his height is to just come out with it. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, can you please tell me how tall you are?”
Make sure your tone is light-hearted and respectful. Be polite, gentle, casual, and considerate when asking. Don’t make a big deal out of it. Ask it in a curious and honest way.
If you are asking a guy about his height over text, you might want to soften it. Tone is lost in text, and you don’t want a guy to think you are being rude.
“Hey, I hope you don’t mind me asking, and please know I am not trying to be rude or offensive at all, can you please tell me how tall you are?”
Asking a guy how tall he is should not be seen as a bad thing. It is a fair question to ask and there is an answer. You would not feel bad asking him where he grew up or if he has siblings.
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How to Ask Someone’s Height
The best way to ask someone’s height, whether you are asking a girl or a guy, is to directly ask them. “I hope you don’t mind that I ask, can you please tell me your height?”
The most important thing is to be respectful, casual, and not make a big deal out of it. Be honest and curious, as if you were asking them their favorite color.
Any tactic or ploy where you try to be cute or beat around the bush will immediately be seen for what it is. You will come off as disingenuous and the person will probably get annoyed.
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How to Respond When Someone Asks Your Height
- I’m 5’8″.
- Taller than you.
- Why, do I make you insecure?
- Tall enough.
- I’m super short 😉
- Is this a test?
- Same height as my dad.
- Average height.
- 6′ with heels.
- With or without lifts?

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Is It Okay to Ask a Guy His Height?
Yes, it is okay to ask a guy his height. There is nothing wrong with that question. If a guy is self conscious about his height, that is his issue, not yours. Personally, I like average height guys. I have friends who like tall guys.
We are all entitled to our own preferences. Nobody questions a guy who likes big boobs, or a guy who likes blondes. Why should a guy question a girl who has a height preference?
Is It Rude to Ask Someone How Tall They Are?
No, it is not rude to ask someone how tall they are. The key is in how you ask. Always be respectful, courteous, and polite. Make sure your tone is gentle and curious.

More Info: Psychology Today
The best way to ask someone how tall they are, or to ask a guy his height, is to politely and directly say, “how tall are you?”
As long as your tone is respectful, the person you ask should be fine with the question.