What Does It Mean When a Guy Calls You Pretty?

When a guy calls you pretty, what does he really mean? Is he flirting? Is he just giving a compliment? Or is he into you?
Here you will learn all possible meanings and how to respond when a guy calls you pretty over text and in person.
What Does It Mean When a Guy Calls You Pretty
You’re Easy on the Eyes
When he calls pretty he finds you very attractive. He is saying you look good and he likes what he sees.
He’s Giving You a Safe Compliment
Instead of calling you hot or sexy, he is using a less forward way of saying how good you look. Calling a girl pretty is the oldest compliment in the book, and all girls still like hearing it.
He Likes Your Look
Perhaps your outfit looks nice, or maybe you did your makeup or hair in a distinct way. Whatever the reason, he is into your style and thinks you’re pretty
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He’s Flirting With You
Calling a girl pretty is one of several ways to flirt. He is letting you know he is interested and wants to engage with you.

You’re Totally His Type
When a guy calls you pretty it means he likes what he sees, and you are someone he might like to get to know better and possibly be in a romantic relationship with.
He Wants to Hook Up With You
By calling you pretty, he is letting you know that he finds you attractive and would like to get you in bed. Men are visual creatures, beauty turns them on.
He Wants to Make You Feel Good
All girls love compliments. When a guy calls you pretty, he knows it will boost your ego, thus making you feel good.
He’s Testing You
Guys call you pretty simply to see your reaction. He may want to date or sleep with you, or perhaps he suspects that you like him. Either way he is testing to see your response.
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What to Say When a Guy Calls You Pretty
- “Thank you I appreciate it.”
- “Compliments will you get everywhere.”
- “You’re quite cute yourself”
- “You just made me blush!”
- “Omg, you’re so sweet.”
- “That’s very kind of you.”
- “Tell me more, lol.”
When a guy calls you pretty you may want to tell him that he’s cute, you might want to tell him you like when he compliments you, maybe you should flirt back, possibly just smile or wink at him, or you could just ignore.

What Does It Mean When a Guy Calls You Pretty Over Text
When a guy calls you pretty over text it means he finds you attractive and is giving you a compliment. Perhaps he likes your look, he may be flirting, you might be his type, he could just want to sleep with you, or possibly he’s testing you to see how you react.
What to Say When a Guy Calls You Pretty Over Text
When a guy calls you pretty over text you can say: “thank you, you are so sweet,” “you’re not so bad yourself,” “flattery will get you everywhere,” “oh, yeah, is that all you like?” or “you just made my day.”
More Info: Forbes
Frequently Asked Questions
What Does It Mean When Your Crush Calls You Pretty?
When your crush calls you pretty, it typically means he finds you physically attractive. He probably thinks you are easy on the eyes, he may like your style, perhaps he’s trying to sleep with you, or maybe he is just trying to make you feel good.

What Does It Mean When a Guy Calls You Pretty Lady?
When a guy calls you pretty lady it means that he is giving you a high compliment, he finds you nice looking, and he thinks you are elegant. To know his true intentions consider your relationship with him, the context in which it was said, and the situation.
When a guy calls you pretty he likes what he sees and is giving you a compliment. He may be trying to make you feel good, you might be his type, or he could be testing to see if you are interested.
Read above to learn all possible meanings and how to respond over text and in person.