13 Spiritual Meanings of Dreaming About Your Ex – Revealed!

Our exes stay in our subconscious mind, which leads to us dreaming about them. The spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex has to do with your deep rooted feelings.
Here are all possible spiritual meanings behind you thinking about your ex.
Why Do I Keep Dreaming About My Ex Spiritual Meaning
The spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex is that you will forever share a spiritual connection, even though your past and present energies are no longer aligned. Your subconscious mind is communicating a message, or some sort of warning, and a new chapter in your life might be on the horizon.
1. You And Your Ex Share A Spiritual Connection
Two minds as one can never completely extinguish the flame. There is forever a bond, whether good or bad, and you will always be connected. Dreams are extensions of our subconscious mind. Sometimes we send ourselves a message.
Your ex boyfriend will forever live in your subconscious. This spiritual dream is normal and to be expected, it is not a sign. Over time it will fade.
Do not reach out or change course, you know what is best.
If your ex continuously appears in your dream, and the frequency increases, perhaps you are sending yourself a message.
You must examine your true feelings and decide if you need to try one last time. It is best to talk it out with someone you trust before making any decisions.
To know and not do is to not yet know.
2. Your Ex Has Occupied Your Mind Lately
Maybe something reminded you of your ex, maybe a random thought popped into your head. This memory is immediately and automatically stored in your subconscious mind.
Our subconscious mind sends us messages in dreams, sometimes. In this case there is no hidden message. Look towards your thoughts, while awake, for answers.

3. A New Chapter In Your Life Awaits
Sometimes we need to clean out the inbox of our mind. As we delete files, we look one last time. Your dream is normal, as long as it is infrequent.
Proceed on your path, new horizons are ahead. Good luck!
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4. The Universe Wants You To Reunite
The universe is a strong force, one we cannot escape. Do not make any decisions about your true desires based on your dreams, or the universe. You are in control of your destiny.
5.You Need Closure to Find Your Balance
Like your mind, closure has many layers. It is something you achieve in your soul. Stay on your path and slowly let go. Your dream is a reminder to yourself and has nothing to do with your ex.
Your subconscious mind is trying to process your feelings and come to a resolution. This happens internally. Letting go will restore your balance.

6. Your Ex is Your Twin Flame Not Your Soulmate
Your ex is your “twin flame” not your soulmate. His spirit and yours crossed, and he left an indelible mark on your memories. He will always exist in your subconscious.
Your dream is a reminder. Let your twin flame slowly dim, new fantasies await. The time to move forward is now.
7. Your Spirit Longs For Intimacy
You are a physical being, and need the warmth of touch and romance. Your dream is about you, not about your ex. You are craving a need he once fulfilled.
He is familiar and safe, don’t let that deceive you. Find what you are looking for elsewhere. A hook up with your ex of any sort may open some doors you worked hard to close.
Your physical desires must never come before your emotional needs. Healing through experiences may be something to explore.
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8. You’re Soul Is Still Healing
It will take a long time to fully cleanse yourself of all your memories, both good and bad. This dream is not a signal to take action, it is a sign of reassurance and hope.
For a time you may be in soulful slumber, yet you will love again when you’re ready.

9. Your Past & Present Energies Are Not Fully Aligned
Things have not been easy in your life. In our dreams we reminisce about happier times, to help boost our outlook.
Your ex represents a different chapter in your life, one in which there was some happiness. Your dream is about you, it is a forecast of new beginnings.
Some change is necessary, a new chapter is coming. Soak up time with friends, family, and loved ones. Get some rest, prepare yourself, your energy is getting ready to shift.
10. A New Romance Is On The Horizon
You have either found someone new or you are ready for someone new. This dream is about you, not about your ex. There is a deeper significance.
Your subconscious is reminding you that you have loved before and it is ok to try again. Allow yourself to let go of the past.
11. You’re Love Chakras Have Realigned
It is hard to find new love when you are healing. Though the process is not fully complete, you are ready to begin opening your heart again.
In the dream realm your subconscious is reinforcing that your energy has shifted to a more positive plane, away from your ex. And you can feel it.
Your dream is a message of awakening and revitalization.
12. Your Ex Boyfriend Is Your Spirit Animal
Our spirit animal guides and protects us on our journey, even when they are no longer on the same path. Your dream is not a message, it is just a reminder.

13. You’re Subconscious is Sending A Warning Message
We all try not to repeat our mistakes, especially in regards to our relationships. You have some new interests. Don’t be scared, yet consider your past mistakes and use them to make better decisions.
Your dream is about your fear of the unknown and getting hurt. Continue on your path, you are stronger and more experienced now, and have gained intuition.
The spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex boyfriend is that your unconscious thoughts shall be forever connected, even though your current paths have diverged. Your subconscious mind may be sending you a message, or maybe your heart is still healing.
Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming About Your Ex Boyfriend
These dreams encourage you to let go, resolve old feelings, and grow inside. Your ex boyfriend in dreams represents your spirit animal, urging you to forgive, live, and find new strength as you continue your path in life.
Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming About Your Ex Husband
The spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex husband is that there will forever be a spiritual connection, even though your past and present energies are no longer aligned. Your subconscious mind might be sending you a message, or perhaps your soul is still healing.
These dreams encourage you to find closure, resolve feelings, and grow inside. Your ex husband in dreams represents your spirit animal, urging you to forgive, forget, and find new strength as you continue your journey in life.
More Info: Dream Dictionary

Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming About Your Ex Girlfriend
The spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex girlfriend is that your unconscious minds shall be forever locked, on some level or another. Your subconscious mind may be sending you a message, maybe your heart is still healing, or, most likely, your hormones are acting up.
Resist your urges. Meet new people. Keep yourself busy. Find courage and strength believing in your potential.
The spiritual meaning of dreaming about your ex is a messenger of deeper thoughts and feelings. The above spiritual meanings highlight the vast possibilities of emotions hidden in your subconscious.
Each dream is like a puzzle piece, slowly revealing every part of your journey. Dreams are your inner compass, guiding you toward understanding and growth. As you consider their meanings, may you find clarity, peace, and happiness.