8 Reasons Why Women Like an Attractive Dad Bod

Is it possible to have an attractive dad bod? Do women really like dad bods? Are they more desirable than in-shape bods?

Here you will learn, in detail, the reasons why women find a dad bod attractive. We will also discuss what most girls like best.

What Is a Dad Bod?

An attractive dad bod refers to a physique that is slightly overweight, a little soft, and lacks toned muscles. A dad bod is the happy middle ground of body types, not fat, yet not muscular. It’s a body that is in relatively good shape with a few extra pounds on top.

Dad bods are usually associated with fathers, though any guy can have a dad bod. It represents a man who has prioritized things in his life other than fitness. Most often, his focus is on the responsibilities of being a good dad and taking care of his family.

Do Women Like Dad Bods?

Yes, women like dad bods. Dad bods are attractive because they tend to be less intimidating and familiar and allow the girl to be the pretty one. Dad bods are considered a sign of a healthy and happy man, one that prioritizes his family and feels good to curl up next to in bed.

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Why Do Women Like Dad Bods?

1. They Find It Less Intimidating

Women like dad bods because they find it more relatable and down to earth. When a guy is ripped with a 6 pack, and is a fitness buff, he is more unattainable. It is very difficult and intimidating for a girl to keep up with his strict eating and workout schedule.

Most women have issues with their body image and tend to feel fat at times. Standing next to a guy who looks super fit does not help their self-esteem. Girls don’t want to be compared to their man, especially if they aren’t in as good a shape.

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2. It Is Familiar

If your dad was out of shape, you will probably be comfortable with a man who is out of shape. It is what you are used to. We are all most comfortable with what we know.

Since the majority of men over 30 are out of shape, there is a high chance your dad is one of them.

3. He Looks Healthy

Men with dad bods tend to be happier and more confident, and it shows. Having a little extra fat on your body gives you a nice glow. We all look better when we have some extra weight on us.

4. It Shows His Priorities

Guys with dad bods have decided what is important to them. They have prioritized being a good dad and family man, over 6 pack abs.

They are not focused on working out and eating 100% clean.

Men with dad bods tend to have a more relaxed, happy, and comfortable personality. Emotionally mature men are usually in a better financial position and more emotionally mature than their younger selves.

5. Girls like to Eat

Muscular men work very hard toward attaining and keeping their bodies and are super strict with their diets. When I was big into fitness, I did not eat any dessert for over a year.

Women love to eat dessert, and they don’t want to do it alone. They prefer to be with a guy who will indulge and eat with them. Most women feel less self-conscious and less guilty when they share with their man.

6. He Has Meat on Him

He is not skin and bones, he is no weakling. He has some weight on his body. He is big and strong and able to protect you and help you with the things you cannot lift.

7. It Feels Good

Girls like dad bods because they feel good. Some girls say they are cuddly, and perfect for snuggling up against and keeping you warm. Dad bods are lovable, squeezable, and soft. They meet the requirements to be a terrific cuddle partner, and are strong enough to take control.

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8. It Shows Maturity

Men with dad bods are usually in a happier place in their lives. They are more comfortable in their own skin which shows in the way they carry themselves. It is easier and more enjoyable to be around confident men. It makes women feel safe.

9. Lets Her Be the Pretty One

All women want to be the beauty of the relationship, the center of attention. It is difficult to be with an adonis.

Girls want to feel pretty at all times.

When with a guy with a dad bod, if you put on a pound or two, you don’t have to worry.

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10. She’s Settling

It’s not that you don’t like men with rock solid abs and bulging biceps. You just feel they are out of your league. Perhaps you haven’t been to the gym and you gained a pound or two. So instead of chasing guys who look better naked than you do, you decide to shift your interest to out of shape guys.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Women Prefer Dad Bods?

Women do not prefer dad bods, they prefer the type of guy who usually has a dad bod. Being a good father to his kids and prioritizing his family are attractive qualities. These qualities are most commonly seen in men with dad bods, though would be received well from guys whose bods are sexy.

What’s the Difference between a Dad Bod vs Fat?

A person with a dad bod doesn’t work out often and eats poorly. A fat person never works out and eats much worse. Someone with a dad bod may have been in shape at some point. A fat person has never stepped foot in the gym. 

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More Info: Psychology Today


Women are attracted to men with dad bods because they give off a sense of approachability and relatability. The softness and warmth is comforting, and makes a man seem more down-to-earth and less intimidating.

Attractive dad bods are seen as a sign of confidence and self-acceptance, which is definitely appealing. Much of the attractiveness lies in its ability to create a sense of familiarity and ease.

Matt Furman
Matt Furman

Hi, I’m Matt, the proud owner of Connection Copilot. I live in NYC and I’m passionate about all things dating. With a bachelor's degree in psychology, a professional coaching certification, and over 20 years of experience as a top tier dating coach, I've had the privilege of guiding and empowering thousands of individuals on their journey to meaningful connections.

I was born in New York and have never left. Having immersed myself in the fast-paced dating scene of New York City, learning as I go, I have gained much wisdom through experience. Consider me your trusted companion in your quest for love.