101 Ways to Compliment a Guy When He Sends You a Picture

If you’re wondering how to compliment a guy when he sends you a picture of himself, look no further. I used to make up texts on the spot when I received pictures, and never really knew what to say. It was super frustrating.

My dating coach colleagues and I put together a complete list of the best responses for when a guy sends his picture. In this article we cover every possible scenario involving friendly pictures and dirty pictures. Check it out below!

How to Compliment a Guy When He Sends You a Picture

To cover all possibilities of what to say when a guy sends you a picture of himself, we have broken our list down into 4 categories.

A friendly picture may be a shot of him with friends at a bar, it could be him smiling at the camera, or maybe he’s showing off a new outfit. 

A dirty picture may be a shirtless selfie, or perhaps one of him fully naked.

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Friendly Picture – You’re Interested

  • Thank you for the picture. You will be in my dreams all night.
  • I can’t stop staring at this photo. You look so cute. 😚
  • Wow, I can’t get over how nice your smile is 🙂
  • I think I’ll print this picture out and hang it on my wall. You look so good.
  • Woah, you are really hot. 😉
  • I love how your hair looks in this picture.
  • You are seriously my type. 😍🥰
  • Wow. Looking handsome baby!
  • How is it you always take amazing photos?
  • You are so good-looking. 💋
  • The only thing missing from this photo is me 😉
  • This picture makes me blush and want to give you a big kiss. 😇
  • Your eyes are dreamy. 😍
  • Hi handsome, love the pic.
  • You look amazing.
  • Hottt!
  • You are adorable. 😙
  • I love your style.
  • You are a gorgeous hunk of a man. Show me more! 🫦
  • I think you need to take that shirt off.
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Friendly Picture – You’re Not Interested

  • Thank you for the pic.
  • Hope your day is going well.
  • That shirt fits you nicely.
  • Perfect lighting.
  • You have a great smile.
  • You look happy.
  • You are so photogenic.
  • That is a great shot of you.
  • Omg, you are one of my best looking friends.
  • I am so setting you up with my co-worker.
  • I love the background in this picture, it suits you perfectly.
  • You have such a cool vibe in this picture. It’s very captivating.
  • You always know how to capture the perfect moment. Great picture!
  • You look like a million bucks!
  • Nice, where was that taken?
  • You look great in this picture! Your style is always on point.
  • Wow, this is a really good photo of you 🙂
  • You’re such a cutie! I’m glad to have you as my friend 🙂
  • You look very put together.
  • This is a terrific photo, thank you for sharing it with me 🙂

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Dirty Picture – You’re Interested

  • You’ve got my attention 😛
  • I wish I was there with you 😘
  • Mmm, those muscles… 💪
  • If you’re trying to turn me on it’s working 💦
  • How am I supposed to concentrate 🤤
  • Love the photo ❤️
  • Stop getting me all riled up, you’re miles away 😉
  • You are the perfect distraction 🍆
  • It’s getting hot in here. 🤭
  • Is this an invitation? 😈
  • I want you in my bed 💋

Dirty Picture – You’re Not Interested

  • ?
  • lol
  • I’m hoping you sent this to the wrong person?
  • Too bad you’re not my type.
  • Cool
  • Wtf?
  • Umm, ok…
  • I’m sorry, I’m not interested.
  • Someone may be drinking…
  • Great pic, yet we are just friends.
  • Haha, no thanks
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Flirty Response to a Picture

  • You don’t want to know what I’m thinking 😉
  • Thank you, I just got a tingler 💦
  • Why are you have to be so darn adorable!
  • Mmm, I can just eat you 😚
  • I love the pic, just wish you were wearing less 😈
  • If I said you had a nice body would you hold it against me 😘
  • You look like you’re missing me
  • Your picture really shows off your sexiness 😍
  • I love a guy in a suit
  • You look like you’re thinking about me 😊
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, come over tonight, see what I do 🍑

How to Compliment a Guy on His Picture

  1. Hottest man on the planet! 🌎
  2. Charming, sexy, cute!
  3. Handsome hottie alert 🔥
  4. Wish you were my man!
  5. Roses are red, violets are blue, you’re super cute, I’m craving you 🍑
  6. Totally my type!
  7. Call me 📞
  8. Why can’t I stop looking at this photo 😍
  9. You look like my next boyfriend 😉
  10. I love a strong man 💪

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How to Respond When a Guy Sends You a Picture of Himself

Here is how to respond when someone sends you a picture of themselves. Consider your relationship with the person when choosing the right text.

  1. You’d make a good arm piece
  2. You look handsome in this picture
  3. This picture is perfect for your dating profile
  4. Your smile lights up my day
  5. You look so much cuter in person
  6. I’m speechless
  7. You would make a delicious dessert!
  8. Looking sharp as always
  9. I love your new outfit
  10. What’s cooking good looking?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you compliment a guy on his looks over text?

Complimenting a guy on his looks over text can be a great way to boost his confidence. He will greatly appreciate it. Here are a few examples:

  • You have an amazing sense of style. You always look so put together.
  • You have a fantastic smile, it lights up the room.
  • Your [insert feature] is very attractive. It’s one of the things I really like about you.
  • I can’t get over how handsome you look in your pictures. You are quite photogenic.

More Info: Psychology Today

How do you compliment a beautiful picture?

You can express your feelings using descriptive and positive language. Here are a few ways to compliment a beautiful picture:

  • Your picture is absolutely stunning! It took my breath away.
  • I’m in awe of your beauty captured in this picture. It’s truly remarkable.
  • The composition and colors in this picture are exquisite. It’s a work of art.
  • This picture has such a captivating and calming feel. It’s truly beautiful!
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Complimenting a guy when he sends a picture is a simple yet effective way to show your are interested and boost his confidence. Consider your feelings and the current relationship when choosing what to say when someone sends you a picture.

By acknowledging his looks, style, or sex appeal, you can strengthen your connection and make him feel valued. Be genuine with your compliments to leave a lasting and positive impression.

Farzana Tajnin
Farzana Tajnin

Hi, I’m Zana, the proud co-owner of this amazing website. I live in NYC, studied relationship psychology at NYU, and got my dating and relationship coaching certification at MI.

I live, breath, and sleep relationship advice, and I’m always learning. Think of me as a dependable friend on your journey to find love.